Huatse gyal. Kara Cerveny [biology] Thesis: “Change in GFAP Expression as a Consequence of the Disconnection between Zebrafish Retina and Optic Tectum” What it’s about: The visual system of zebrafish. Huatse gyal

 Kara Cerveny [biology] Thesis: “Change in GFAP Expression as a Consequence of the Disconnection between Zebrafish Retina and Optic Tectum” What it’s about: The visual system of zebrafishHuatse gyal Huatse Gyal

His research explores how indigenous notions of place and legal languages of property interact, clash, and dovetail in the everyday cultural politics of land use. Getting to Reed Campus mapContact Reed College. Getting to Reed Campus mapContact Reed College. Hometown: Kissimmee, Florida. How Reed changed me: Reed caused me to grow into a more critical thinker and a more compassionate person. Ryan Gamblin ’19 theatre. Getting to Reed Campus mapHuatse Gyal. Doctoral Student in Anthropology & Social Work. Contact Reed College. But part of that newfound flexibility is the. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. D. Getting to Reed Campus mapEnter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. How Reed changed me: Ask for what you. In high school: I was a very curious, clever, and optimistic 18-year-old eager for challenges, and boy did Reed give me plenty. Hometown: Chicago, Illinois, and Krivoy Rog, Ukraine. Huatse Gyal grew up in a nomadic pastoral community in the Amdo region of Tibet. Contact Reed College. I gained a lot of skills that transferred to other areas of my life—patience, diligence, and. His research explores how indigenous notions of place and legal languages of property interact, clash, and dovetail in the. ABSTRACT Tibetan pastoralists have been subject to large-scale state-led development policies over the past three decades. In high school there was a lot of talk about extra credit. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. How Reed changed me: Reed taught me to never be afraid of my ideas, to never silence my voice, and to constantly reaffirm the value of my own individuality. Contact Reed College. Influential book: When I was in preschool the kids would ask the teacher to read Bony-Legs by Joanna Cole, which I hated. Hometown: Pasadena, California. Huatse Gyal ’13 anthropology. Catherine Trundle, “Documentary Hinterlands” 13. Getting to Reed Campus mapETHNOGRAPHIC WRITING Anthropology 7000 (Fall 2021) Hale 455 Tuesday 9:35-12:05 Professor Carole McGranahan Hale 362 Office hours: Tuesdays 1:30-3 and by appointment Email: carole. 16 Jul 2023 22:01:35Contact Reed College. Ashante Reese, “Retrieve” 12. Sign up. Huatse Gyal, “Even My Name Has Fizzled Out” 10. Thesis: Frobenius Numbers of Numerical Semigroups Generated by Consecutive Squares. Getting to Reed Campus mapKelsey Houston-Edwards ’13 mathematics - philosophy. The provisioning of institutionalized state schooling, in particular, has all along been part and parcel of these development projects, including urbanization and resettlement initiatives. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. Getting to Reed Campus mapHuatse Gyal ’13; Kalina Hadzhikova ’15; Heather Hambley ’14; India Hamilton ’16; Varik Harris ’19; Melody Harvey ’10; Ashlin Hatch ’17; Hayden Hendersen ’20; Pedro Henriques Da Silva ’18; Esmeralda Herrera ’14; Clara Hillier ’09; Kate Hilts ’16; Paapa Kwaku hMensa ’15; Dylan Holmes ’17; Will Horner ’15; Kelsey. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. Thesis Advisers: Prof. Tibetan Buddhist monks and local herders planting grass seeds in desertified grassland in eastern Tibet, 2015 . Who I was when I got to Reed: Tired of the restricting structure of high school, I wanted to go to a school where people were invested in learning the material rather than collecting points for a grade at the end of the semester. How. Getting to Reed Campus mapNick Salter ’11 mathematics. How Reed changed me: My own health journey has taught me how to be a better and more empathetic advocate, whether for myself or the planet. . Reed has enabled me to become a global citizen. Getting to Reed Campus mapContact Reed College. edu What is ethnography and how does one write it? In this seminar, we will focus on ethnographic writing in anthropology as both an. The politics of standardising and subordinating subjects: the nomadic settlement project in Tibetan areas of AmdoGyal, Huatse (panel with Xiao Ke-Schutte and Loretta Lou) "Ecological Spiritualities in Asia" Gyaltsen, Zamlha Tempa “Belief in Sacred Mountains in Tibet” Halstead, John "The Greening of Paganism" Haugen, Geneen Marie "The Re-Emergence of Animate World Experiences" Holmes, Brandon P. anthropology. Hometown: Raymond, Wisconsin. 9. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. Kara Cerveny [biology] Thesis: “Change in GFAP Expression as a Consequence of the Disconnection between Zebrafish Retina and Optic Tectum” What it’s about: The visual system of zebrafish. Who I was when I got to Reed: I was a first-generation, low-socioeconomic-status Latino—awkward, but outgoing. Who I was when I got to Reed: I was terrified—I had no money and low self-esteem, academic and otherwise. anthropology. Awards, fellowships, grants: I received the summer internship award twice, a grant from the David Adler. Getting to Reed Campus mapAdrien Schless-Meier ’12 sociology. Getting to Reed Campus mapContact Reed College. Influential book: Mountains beyond Mountains by Tracy Kidder is about Paul Farmer, a doctor and. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. edu 3703 Medical Science II. Contact Reed College. Contact Reed College. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. Getting to Reed Campus mapContact Reed College. [email protected]. [email protected]. Ashante Reese, “Retrieve” 12. What's behind the rise of pseudoarchaeology—and why should we care? The Ominous Cracks in the US News College Ranking System. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. March 23, 2021 . Normally just local doctors, but not a lot,” Huatse Gyal, a cultural anthropologist from the University of Michigan, told GlacierHub, referring to Western China. Contact Reed College. His research explores Tibetan pastoralists’ ways of theorizing and relating to their ancestral land. Contact Reed College. Contact Reed College. Hometown: Baltimore, Maryland. Mariela Daby and Prof. Hometown: Amdo, Tibet Adviser: Prof. Hometown: Manchester, New Hampshire. Getting to Reed Campus mapContact Reed College. Nomi Stone, “Dentist in Dallas: Pandemic Affect in the. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. Getting to Reed Campus mapJoseph Conlon ’11 classics. edu. Contact Reed College. Make a poster and get. Madeline Brandt ’15 mathematics. To escape a stressful home situation, I focused on debate and similar afterschool activities to make contact with the people and resources I needed to find out about colleges. It. Getting to Reed Campus mapNormally just local doctors, but not a lot,” Huatse Gyal, a cultural anthropologist from the University of Michigan, told GlacierHub, referring to Western China. Who I was when I got to Reed: At the age of 14 I went to a poncy boarding school (Phillips Exeter Academy) because I was tired of being the only kid in class raising my hand. Getting to Reed Campus mapContact Reed College. Huatse Gyal ’13; Kalina Hadzhikova ’15; Heather Hambley ’14; India Hamilton ’16; Varik Harris ’19; Melody Harvey ’10; Ashlin Hatch ’17; Hayden Hendersen ’20; Pedro Henriques Da Silva ’18; Esmeralda Herrera ’14; Clara Hillier ’09; Kate Hilts ’16; Paapa Kwaku hMensa ’15; Dylan Holmes ’17; Will Horner ’15; Kelsey. Barton | September 1, 2013. Contact Reed College. Noseworthy “ Review Essay: Comparative Borderlands Across Disciplines and Across Southeast Asia. Getting to Reed Campus mapContact Reed College. How Reed changed me: My own health journey has taught me how to be a better and more empathetic advocate, whether for myself or the planet. Getting to Reed Campus mapEnter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Getting to Reed Campus mapContact Reed College. The Society for Cultural Anthropology is happy to announce that the winner of the 2019 Cultural Horizons Prize is Sarah Luna (Tufts University). 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. candidate in the Anthropology Department at the University of Michigan. Nomi Stone, “Dentist in Dallas: Pandemic Affect in the. Hometown: San Diego, California. International environmental organizations and sovereign states often claim to pursue the goals of conservation and development at the same time. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. Who I was when I got to Reed: I came to Reed from a Jesuit high school in Manhattan. Huatse Gyal དཔའ་རྩེ་རྒྱལ།. Getting to Reed Campus mapContact Reed College. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. Kritish Rajbhandari ’12 English. Contact Reed College. 2014. University of Michigan, Anthropology, Graduate Student. Vikram Chan-Herur ’17 biology. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. Getting to Reed Campus map. “What concerns me the most is that people who know a lot about their land, namely Tibetan pastoralists, have been treated as the destroyers of their land. Paapa Kwaku hMensa ’15 economics. This article provides an introduction to a special collection of five articles showcasing the work of rising scholars in the geography and anthropology of Tibetan regions in China (Eveline Washul, Andrew Grant, Tsering Bum, Huatse Gyal and Duojie Zhaxi, published in Critical Asian Studies 50: 4 and Critical Asian Studies 51: 1). Important Links. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. About Reed; Job opportunities; Contact public affairs;Huatse Gyal. Social Work and Anthropology; Anthropology. Huatse Gyal is an anthropologist, writer, and filmmaker. The answer to the first question is. Who I was when I got to Reed: In high school I lamented that so many people would do ill for the sake of destroying things or to fight the system. Hometown: Amdo, Tibet. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. Lauren Whitmer. William B. ” Limusishiden “ An Abandoned Mountain Deity. I was. Who I was when I got to Reed: I played bass in a high school band called Murray—after Bill Murray—and spent a lot of time thinking about questions I didn’t have the tools or experience to answer. Published On: 02/06/2021. 2020Contact Reed College. Who I was when I got to Reed: I was born in a nomadic region where we relied on yak dung as the primary source of fuel. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. Doctoral Candidate in Human Genetics and Biological Anthropology. Hometown: Kobe, Japan; Cincinnati, Ohio; Beijing, China. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. Hometown: Silver Spring, Maryland. Getting to Reed Campus mapGenyuan Hu ’21 neuroscience. Who I was when I got to Reed: I was an exceedingly energetic policy geek and my freshman year was full of discovery. The politics of standardising and subordinating subjects: the nomadic settlement project in Tibetan areas of AmdoHuatse Gyal ’13. I have learned to ask for help and be simultaneously direct and polite when working with others towards. Hometown: Amdo, Tibet. Who I was when I got to Reed: A homeschooler who had just gone to high school for a year in France. Alma Gottlieb, “Threads of Abuse, Threads of Friendship” 11. Huatse Gyal. By Randall S. Naomi Gendler ’16 physics. edu . How Reed changed me: I was a curious but relatively undisciplined high school student, over-impressed with myself and under-impressed with. I was in love with Reed’s Honor Principle, that there were enough people of high moral quality that you could have this principle and a. “ Yu Luo “ Review: Empire and Identity in Guizhou. Contact Reed College. Getting to Reed Campus mapContact Reed College. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. Published On: 10/22/2020. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. Huatse Gyal is the phonetic rendition of my original Tibetan name དཔའ་རྩེ་རྒྱལ། . Getting to Reed Campus mapContact Reed College. Hometown: Houston, Texas. Influential book: Don Quixote. About Reed;Contact Reed College. How Reed changed me: Reed caused me to grow into a more critical thinker and a more compassionate person. Getting to Reed Campus map. What it’s about: Through a series of memoir-style. Contact Reed College.